Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Juice Head

After a long day of work, nothing is more appealing than coming home, putting on sweats and pouring a glass of wine. Now imagine coming home and finding that bottle of rosé from Provence is missing and in it's place: shelves of fruits and vegetables. I’ve been invaded by a Juice Head.

Luckily this is a different type of juice – actual juice. My roommate (and best friend) decided that we would both be going on a juice cleanse and took the liberty of stocking the refrigerator with various fruits and leafy greens, mostly kale. In fact, there was a whole shelf of kale. "What the hell happened to my wine?!" read a hasty text message sent within seconds of seeing this new heaven fit for a rabbit. I then painfully discovered the wine left out, on the floor, to make room for things I had little interest in. I wasn’t really sure how long it had been out, but I took a chance and threw it in the freezer to cool it back down. Wrong? Probably. Did I care? Nope.

I became intrigued by these crazy juices that were meant to replace my beverage of choice and checked out some recipes left on the kitchen counter. I don’t actually know how to use the juicer, so I would have to wait for my friend to get home and make some for me. I chose the “Mean Green” to sample - apples, cucumber, celery, ginger, kale and lemon. Health benefits include weight loss, lower blood pressure, colon cancer prevention, liver cancer prevention and more (see here). I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.

The next morning I opened the fridge to see the veggies replaced with Mason jars in shades of green. There were my juices! I even had a bonus – “Green Lemonade” with kiwi (apple, cucumber, kale, lemon and spinach). To my surprise, I enjoyed both of the juices and would happily try other combinations. While they were tasty, I definitely couldn’t do a solid day of just liquid. I ended up having a lobster roll for lunch, which I honestly found more satisfying.

Either way, I finally sipped on a trend that has lasted a while now. I would suggest those who have never tried a cleanse before just try a juice a day to be healthy. And for those who were concerned, the rosé made a strong recovery and tasted delicious. 

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